The camera system transmits information from the target camera to the receiver, and the shooter can view the details through a free app. Turn on the power button and aim the arrows on the receiver at the camera unit downrange. Set up the BaseStation in the area you are shooting from, but not directly on the ground. You turn on the power switch and will see lights illuminate to indicate battery and the wifi signal status. The camera comes in a self-contained box, with a stand to aim it at your target downrange. The unit also works with Microsoft Windows on a laptop computer, with a free software download. The Bullseye Wireless Camera has a built-in wifi network, allowing you to set up anywhere and get readings back to an iPhone, iPad, Android, or Kindle. When you don’t have a spotter, using a camera system can be a huge time saver, and will give you details to make adjustments without ever leaving your shooting position. If you’ve ever been to the range on your own, you know it can be challenging to spot every shot and its impact on the target downrange.