Unlike to the standard Alt-Tab, it shows a live desktop preview of the selected application and an easy-to-read relevant list of tasks with titled icons so you can find the one you need immediately at a glance. Brand New Task Switcher The main advantage of Alt-Tab Terminator is a brand new switching window. With Alt-Tab Terminator, you can not only switch tasks faster, but have the full control over any opened window, all within one click away. An average PC-user switches between windows with Alt+Tab hundreds of times per day! It’s one of the most common actions performed on a computer. Alt-Tab Terminator is the direct successor to VistaSwitcher and TaskSwitchXP. Once installed, it replaces the default Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks, with their names and preview snapshots, and enables the user to search through the list and navigate using the mouse and keyboard. Alt-Tab Terminator is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows.